What Is an Interrogative Sentence?

An interrogative sentence is one that asks a direct question and always ends in a question mark. The term interrogative sentence is another name for a question.

Examples of Interrogative Sentences

Here are some examples of interrogative sentences:

  • Has anyone seen my torch?
  • What’s the capital of Peru?
  • Shall we ask Simon or Jonesy?

Beware Sentences with Indirect Questions

A statement with an indirect questions is a declarative sentence and not an interrogative sentence. For example:

  • I wonder if I’ll ever find my torch.
  • Sarah asked whether anybody had seen her torch.

These are declarative sentences. They are statements not questions.
An indirect question can form part of an interrogative sentence. For example:

    • Can you tell me what material she likes?

(Direct-question version: What material does she like?)

    • Could you fetch me when the alarm beeps?

(Direct-question version: When will the alarm beep?)

    • Did she ask whether I found my torch?

(Direct-question version: Did I find my torch?)

Types of Question

There are three main types of question:

        • Yes/No Questions.Example: Is it raining?(The answer to ayes/no question will beyes orno.)
        • «Question Word» Questions.Example: Why are you bored?(The answer to a«question word» question will be information.)
        • Choice Questions.Example: Do you want salsa dip or cheese dip?(The answer to achoice question will be in the question.)


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What Is a Declarative Sentence?

A declarative sentence states a fact or an argument and ends with a period. Declarative sentences are by far the most common type of sentence.

Examples of Declarative Sentences

Here are some examples of declarative sentences:

      • There are five million people at risk.
      • London is the capital of England.
      • I am no wine connoisseur, but I know what I like.
      • She asked whether I liked her dress.

    (Although this is an indirect question, it is still a statement and, therefore, a declarative sentence.)
